30 Mar Unhealthy things we do in a daily basis.
Do you know how healthy are you? Is being healthy requires going to the gym and exercising? Does eating vegetables is being healthy? Are you aware there are also other stuff that you may do, you just don’t know that it’s making you unhealthy.
Here’s a list of things we do everyday that we don’t know that it is unhealthy.
How do you drink your coffee? In a plastic cup? Plastic cups are made of poly-carbonate plastics, which may contain toxic industrial chemical called bispherol-A or commonly known as BPA. This chemical can harm your body’s cell repair and growth, energy level and reproduction. The level of BPA depends on the temperature: the hotter your beverage, the more chemicals are released in your body. Not drinking in a plastic cup is avoiding this chemical to harm our body.

Those sexy skinny jeans of your are dangerous too. What you may not know is that tight pants can cause nerve damage. There’s this study that describe a case in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry of a woman who suffered from nerve damage after helping a friend move.while wearing skinny jeans. The simple squats she do during the day cause compression of the area under the knee which contains a lot of nerves. The compression led to numbness of her lower leg that resulted to a hospital stay.

How elegant is it to wear tie in your tuxedos, gentlemen? US study indicated wearing your tie too tightly puts you at risk of blindness. Its the pressure of the eyeball fluid before and after they attached their tie. Long term pressure can lead to condition called glaucoma, which is the most common glaucoma, which is common cause of irreversible blindness. Loosen up those tie during a long days!

You may be eating salad but is it healthy as you think it is. The salad that you are ordering in Wendy’s like the Spicy Chicken Caesar Salad, this may sound healthy but the calories in the salad is 780, with 51 grams of fat. Always check the calorie content of your salad and don’t pick items that may contain mayonnaise or a lot of oil.

Do you hold up your sneeze if its too quite? Recently, a man was hospitalized after he held his mouth and nose closed to stop the sneezing, which led to tearing a hold in his throat. It may be an extreme case, we should never hold in a sneeze. This will lead to a rare but serious conditions, including trapped air in the chest, eyes, or brain; perforated eardrums and hearing damage; blood vessel clots.

Staying indoor is killing your libido. Low levels of this vitamin can cause low estrogen with women and low testosterone in men, leading to a low sex drive. The more time we spend indoors, the less sunlight and vitamin D our body can absorb. If you need a boost in your sex life, simple catch some vitamin D outside. Just don’t forget your sun screen!

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